If you’re bored of the standard technical gear, Klattermusen makes a range of products with a difference.
Gone are the days when quality outdoor gear meant bright colors and garish patterns. Klattermusen offers jackets, trousers and accessories made from organic, recycled materials with great design values. The company was founded in 1984 by climber and biologist Peter Askulv, and is based in Are, a town in northern Sweden.
The harsh climate means Askulv and his team need top-quality gear in order to carry out everyday tasks, driving innovation at the company. Klattermusen is committed to sustainability and uses 100 percent organic cotton, recycled and recyclable materials.
Sweden has become synonymous with great design and Klattermusen is no different. The company found its way onto the shelves of retailers associated more with fashion than outdoor activities thanks to its strong design values, and the Einride 2.0 jacket is a great example. It costs €450 from the Klattermusen website and is available in five different colors.
Although the brand has since become popular in fashionable circles that was never Askulv’s intention. Klattermusen actually means “climbing mouse” in Swedish, a deliberately uncool name designed to deter people from buying the clothes just for a brand name. Of course, that ploy only works with Swedish speakers, and the quality of the garments means the brand has exploded in popularity despite the name.
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