Each year the biggest outdoor gear brands in the world come to the Outdoor Retailer trade show to reveal the newest pieces of kit they are working on.
From technologically-advanced gear to forward-thinking design pieces, the event in Utah provided a window into the direction of gear design. Some of the pieces promise to improve long-standing issues with kit, while others bring something completely new to the table.
If you’ve ever wondered why your waterproof jacket makes you sweat uncontrollably, you will be pleased to hear about the Columbia OutDry Extreme ECO Shell. The “permanent beading surface” means the jacket repels water while remaining breathable, which means no more sweat making you wet.
Lighter and stronger are always good when it comes to outdoor gear, and Sea To Summit have come up with the Ultralight Hammock. It may be almost see-through but it’s hugely strong and it weighs just 4.9 ounces. Pick one up for $90 when the hammock launches in 2017.
Footwear is always a popular section of the show, and the Salomon XA Enduro shoe is a great addition to the company range. The ultralight design is made for mountain running and features a gaiter made to stop loose stones falling into your shoe. A men’s size 9 weighs only 10.6 ounces, a remarkable achievement for a sturdy shoe.
Keep your devices powered up on long trips with the EnerPlex Kickr 7 FL solar panel. The $100 model has 6.5 watts and powers USB devices before folding down into a tiny square for easy packing.
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