Figuring out an effective way to manage money while traveling can be a daunting task. Between bank fees and rates of exchange, the entire process gets tricky fast. Not to mention the dangers of identity and information theft or fraud. The last thing anyone wants to be worried about on a fun trip is whether or not their credit card number is being stolen.
Enter Google Wallet, a pre-paid debit card available through Google. It’s a great option for travelers because, while powered by Mastercard, it provides a barrier between your personal information and the businesses and ATMS where you swipe your card. Since it’s pre-paid, it also makes budgeting easy, with email alerts when purchases are made and reminders on remaining available balance.
Using Google Wallet is easy. After setting up an account on the website, users are able to link bank accounts and credit cards from which money is drawn. You can also receive money from friends or family through Gmail, which is a great option in an emergency. With an active account you can receive a Google Wallet card valid anywhere Mastercard is accepted. You select a PIN to use when paying or getting cash back. Through the Wallet app, it’s easy to set up transfers, check your balance or keep track of transactions.
And the best part? Your personal account information is kept safe and sound, and your budgeted amount to spend is easily tracked. With Google Wallet, you can enjoy your trip without stressing about cash.
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