The great outdoors can take a toll on camping gear and although most gear is built to withstand the rugged conditions, a nice upgrade this spring could make all the difference.
Spring and fall camping can bring some unexpected weather conditions, fluctuating from hot to cool, rain and sun. Conditions can really vary and campers will need all-purpose gear to combat the elements.
Water-resistant gear will come in handy for spring hiking and camping trips, so stock up on clothing that is quick dry and waterproof. Pack many socks as you never know when you will need a clean pair; brands like Seoulstory7 are great year-round.
Waterproof matches are a good tool to have in case of emergencies, or for just trying to light a campfire after some rain. Another all-season item to have is a weatherproof sleeping bag. Besteam, among many other brands, has sleeping bags and blankets weather-ready for spring, summer and fall. This bag is lightweight with moderate insulation for cooler nights.
Remember also to bring quick-dry towels like PackTowl. These are a necessity on any serious camper’s list, but especially considering the fickle spring weather.
Whenever the next trip is, make sure you know what weather conditions to expect given the location of your next camping excursion.
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